October 2017

Does "Game" Actually Work?

If you’re reading this article, on this particular website, then that likely means that you are at least somewhat interested in “game”—a way to work at attracting women, in the […]

Listen to me w/Donovan Sharpe!

Yesterday, I went on Donovan Sharpe’s podcast/livestream The Sharpe Reality, and we discussed martial arts, fitness, and many other topics relevant to both our websites. For those not aware, Donovan […]

America Lost The Cold War

Upon reading the title of this article, you were likely confused, if not gobsmacked by the idea. “‘America lost the Cold War?!’ Absurd!” I can hear you saying. And indeed, […]

New on ROK: Muscular Religion!

I wasn’t expecting this article to be posted until tomorrow, but what the hell! …What if I were to tell you that this crisis of effeminate religion has already occurred, […]

Iron Body For Beginners

Two videos this week? Yes, indeed! Technically, this one is a condensed video version of a previous article I’ve done, but what the hey, you desperately wanted to see me […]