New on ROK: 4 Alternate Cardio Exercises
As you people know, I have not really been capable of running since my car accident, so in my new Return of Kings article I present four alternative ways of […]
As you people know, I have not really been capable of running since my car accident, so in my new Return of Kings article I present four alternative ways of […]
A few weeks ago (probably more than a month at this point, as usual I am showing the disadvantages of scheduling several articles weeks before publication), famous feminist Youtuber Laci […]
Yeah, I’m doing Real Social Dynamics again. They were so nice, I’m doing them twice. It’s PUAssholes Number Four: RSD Redux! https://youtu.be/ajXGyTcyd_8 In other words, I managed to get my […]
My new article on Return of Kings is about the sin of Onanism, why it’s bad for you, and why you should stop doing it. “You’ve already discussed that!” you […]
A common allusion that you will see made on various right-leaning political websites (and some that have gone far beyond leaning to the right) is an allusion being made to […]
I have a new article on Return of Kings dealing with body language, and how to present yours in a way that makes you appear strong and masculine. More specifically, […]
In my last “Rogue Learning” article, I conveyed the idea that you can learn just as much from a bad person as you can learn from a paragon of human […]
It’s time for the second Manthropology video, since the first one seems to have gotten a pretty solid response…for the most part (relative to the meager audience I have, of course.) […]
My new Return of Kings article is about the use of timers in exercise, and how such a seemingly obvious and trivial thing can create big payoffs in your exercise […]
After so long a time away, Larsen’s martial arts tutorials are back! The video below, as well as the text below the video, will teach you how to do a […]