New Return of Kings Article: The Pistol Squat
My new article on Return of Kings is about the pistol squat, a bodyweight exercise for the legs, and the third in my series of how to do various advanced […]
My new article on Return of Kings is about the pistol squat, a bodyweight exercise for the legs, and the third in my series of how to do various advanced […]
As I have stated repeatedly on this website: I am an anthropologist by training. Not only am I an anthropologist, but I am also something of a “shitlord”, as the […]
Seeing as the world today sucks, you might feel the urge to slam your fists and feet into things until your emotional pain goes away. It’s a very understandable desire, […]
https://youtu.be/NM6c1yMtb3Y Before I begin discussing the actual kick this article is supposed to be about, let me just say that I’m fully aware of the slipshod quality of this video. […]
In today’s article, I discuss The Education of a Body Builder by Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the lessons that it holds for all men. These lessons do not just pertain to fitness: …Needless to say, […]
For the past month or so, I have had shin splints, which has kept me from moving around too much, and, more importantly for you, kept me from producing my […]
I am a huge cinemaphile. I have referred to and cited several movies in my writing, ranging from the silent epics of D.W. Griffith and F.W. Murnau to the most commercialized […]
A bit of background: Last month, the good people at Return of Kings had planned to organize a series of international meet-ups, all simultaneously occuring on February 6th. These were […]
Pretty self explanatory: an article dealing with one-handed pushups and the biomechanical processes that go into learning them. The one handed pushup is an exercise that many are familiar with, […]