New on ROK: Hawking The Book, Part 2!
My latest on Return of Kings is…almost identical to the article I wrote last week hawking my book The Oriental’s Guide to Sex, Strength, and Satisfaction—more specifically, I add a few […]
My latest on Return of Kings is…almost identical to the article I wrote last week hawking my book The Oriental’s Guide to Sex, Strength, and Satisfaction—more specifically, I add a few […]
In my new article on the venerable Return of Kings, I discuss the deadlift, and why it truly is the king of exercises. I have repeatedly gone on record saying […]
Yes, people, the momentous occasion has finally come: I’ve published a book. And you know it’s good because friend-of-The-Barbaric-Gentleman Pilleater has given it a glowing review in his typically flowery […]
Excuse the lack of ROK fitness article last week, a bit of backstage difficulty, so to speak. Anyway, things are back on schedule, and my article this week is about […]
And by “FSU”, I mean the Former Soviet Union of course. While I have the distaste for communism that most in this corner of the internet have, I am capable […]
To say that “strength training is important” sounds pretty obvious, doesn’t it? Nonetheless, it needs to be said to convey just how important it is. My new article on Return […]
Yes, I’m subjecting the manosphere to one more article on grip strength-it’s very important, and I’ve literally said everything that I can possibly say on developing the strength of the […]
Since training the grip is of the utmost importance for the physical man, I wrote another article on training the hand and forearm. If you will recall, a few weeks […]
Most people recognize that “weak hands make a weak man”, but unfortunately, most people use methods of training the hands and forearms that are either ineffectual (ie: wrist curls) or […]
As the title implies, this article will teach you how to do a one-armed handstand pushup (Gradually, of course, you’re going to have to put in a lot of work). […]